Fashion One brings you one of the grandest events in the modeling world, Elite Model Look Spain 2013. In this original new series from Fashion One we follow aspiring Spanish senoritas, as they are being…
In this 2 episode original series, we follow this year's new batch of aspiring models, as they are being casted and trained to become the new face of Elite España. We will share their dreams and their journey as they prepare for the Elite Model Look finale.
Start and finish your day with the opportunity to work out and keep in shape like some of the world´s hottest and fittest models. Follow this regime and get the body that you have only ever imagined. Our personal Fashion One yoga expert incorporates some of the easiest Yoga poses with some of the hardest, offering you different intensity levels based on your yoga experience and flexibility.
Fashion One主编Thibault Brière慧眼识珠,以最专业的视角带您洞察秀场风云,让您在第一时间掌握本季最新、最in的时尚动态!