Blogger Crush: Natalie Joos from New York
In April 2010 Natalie launched Tales of Endearment, a blog with stories about “friends, vintage, love, style and life.” She takes her readers inside the homes of vintage-loving women and men and also posts her own looks to showcase a unique mix of contemporary and vintage fashion.

Her bright clothing and bright personality make Natalie Joos our Blogger Crush of the moment. Read the exclusive interview after the jump!

Natalie Joos: First I would like to make one thing clear: I don’t consider myself a blogger. Blogging is not an "action" in my opinion. I write, and I take photos, and I do styling for brands; I even model sometimes. But I don't think I am the definition of a blogger. Tales of Endearment is my business card and it has always been a means to an end. I started it almost 5 years ago because I was bored. The economic crisis had just hit my casting business and I didn't get any jobs for 4 months. Naturally I started thinking of ways to keep my mind occupied. I was on Ebay a lot at the time, looking at pages and pages of vintage dresses, dwelling deep into the Ebay stores and getting side tracked to more and more amazing pieces. I wanted to tell the world about all these inspiring clothes and show designers how to use these finds for new collections.
Your style is elegant, chic, and colorful. You have a real eye on what's going to be the next trend and who's going to be the next big designer. How do you define your style ?
I dress in characters mostly. And according to the weather, obviously, which can be very unpredictable in New York. My hair also dictates a lot of my choices, funnily enough. When you have curly blonde hair you can’t get away with everything. The I can go from 1950s housewife to English tomboy with the drop of a hat. But the red thread is always femininity. I want to look like a woman. I always try to infuse a little sexy and a little color into my outfits, because I am cheerful.
If you had to bet on an up and coming designer, who would it be?
I recently discovered Carlos Polite. He's Colombian and my age. He doesn't sell anywhere yet but he's starting to get some traction. Hopefully he keeps making fun collections that draw attention.

Like Confucius said: “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life." I am passionate about everything I do because all the projects sprout of my own mind. I basically made up my own life and career. I’m lucky that way.
What’s the worst part of it?
The worst part is trying to find tenants who can take care of my cats when I travel….
Fill in the blank: I can’t leave the house without___.
A smile.
What is your favorite fashion memory and why?
A recent one was the anniversary show of Moschino in Milan. It was so much fun and so nostalgic that I cried when Jodie Kidd lost her earring on the runway. I’ll never forget the ambiance.
What’s your next career move ?
Probably television, and owning my own brand, and most definitely being a mother, and by the time I retire I want to be a neuropsychologist.