Artist Planned to Use Jennifer Lawrence’s Leaked Nude Pictures for Upcoming Exhibition
XVALA's current project, titled “No Delete”, is part of his “Fear Google” campaign and focuses on privacy and the protection of personal information in the virtual world. For an earlier project, XVALA already used leaked nude pictures of Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson and pasted them in the streets of LA. “In today’s culture, everybody wants to know everything about everybody. An individual’s privacy has become everyone else’s business,” said the artist, who wants to print the recently leaked photographs on canvas.

Soon after that online petitions were started and XVALA decided to not use the leaked nude pictures for his show in late October, but naked photographs of the artist himself. "People were identifying with Jennifer Lawrence‘s and Kate Upton‘s victimization, much more than I had anticipated, which is powerfully persuasive,” he said.