Eagle Pose for the 6th Chakra
Poses that are good for the 6th chakra often have to do with balance, because you really have to silence your mind and concentrate on doing the pose and the present moment. While eagle pose, show in second picture below, might not seam like a very hard pose to do, try closing your eyes and maintaining it, you will soon get quite a challenge.

To do Egle Pose, wrap the free leg around the standing leg, so that the toes of the foot wrap around the outside of the standing leg's ankle. The opposite arm should cross and be on-top, intertwine the arms so that the palms touch in front of your face.

Something that's very good for the 6th chakra is to meditate, I like to just do a simple meditation where I focus on my breath, but it's also good to do guided meditations like this one.

Photography by Ryan Hager