So this is me, Henrietta Moore. Your ‘Fashion Frontline’ presenter on Fashion One.
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I go by Hetty, H, Henry, anything really. You might not have heard it before but I assure that my name was VERY popular about 200 years ago and yes, I’m bringing it back in style every day (hopefully).

For the past few years I’ve been lucky enough to work as a model in London, one of the most fast paced fashion capitals of the world.
This has meant a string of campaigns for commercial labels such as Bobby Brown, La fitness and to the more prestigious events such as London Fashion Week. It has given me firsthand experience not only with working with designers but also working back stage with the models and attending the glitzy events.

Like most girls, I love fashion and am luckily enough to find myself in an industry where my passion is also my work. Obviously it can be a little tough sometimes to buy designer clothes purely because of the rather damaging hole it leaves in our purses.
HOWEVER don’t PANIC. I think it’s pretty easy to make yourself look a million bucks ... yes even on a student’s budget!
What do you think of this creation I threw together?

The Necklace was the most expensive item and cost me a cheeky £50.00 from a boutique in Notting Hill (sorry ladies no idea what the exact name of the shop was!).
Skirt – Forever 21 - £15.00
Bracelet. Markets for £6.00
My top was a ridiculous bargain. I bought it a few weeks ago while trailing charity stores with one of my best friends. The price you ask? ... 50 pence!
I personally LOVE charity stores as you never know what you’ll find ...

Grab your girlfriends, head to the markets/charities stores and have a laugh trying on odd bits and bobs. It’s great as you’ll find something that no one else has... and at a great price. Some of the stuff is pretty questionable but hey, if worst comes to worst there’s ALWAYS a dress up party around the corner!

Well that’s all for me from now. Don’t worry though as from next week I’ll be posting three times a week to match the episode so you get a cheeky look behind the scenes, a fashion story AND some links to what I’m wearing.
Feel free to hit up my twitter @hetstar or check out my website Would LOVE to answer any question and of course, all your feedback is welcomed.
Thanks for reading,
Henrietta x